Italy, Marche, Pesaro: a stone's throw from the city, near Burnt Houses, with easy access by all means, including agricultural, agricultural land for sale of approx. 280.000 (28 acres) completely arable with ruin of approx. 370 and shed of approx. 40 and a small lake. Ability to access important interest loans, partly to fund rduto eg, coming from 'the European Union, for the settlement of young entrepreneurs in agriculture, (which are less than 40 years old), not only for the purchase of land, but also equipment, buildings, etc.. The Community funds include both a share grant (from 35% to 50%), that share at a discounted rate, which at the moment and 'all' 1.37% refundable up to a maximum of 30 years. The maximum payable and 'set at the time at € 2,500,000.00. The exact route is not 'reproducible due to confidentiality. Energy class = Exempt. (rif.934)
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